Present in the 3 most important moments of the day

Specially prepared snacks for the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Nuts has developed a new concept and teamed up with a team of nutritionists to revolutionize the world of snacking once again with "3 times a day".

We developed a new concept to meet the needs of consumers, who are increasingly seeking healthy products, focused on supplying the nutritional intake of a meal, for the need to keep up with the hectic pace of life.

Developed by Nutritionists

Our snacks were designed by the nutritionist team at Nuts Original with the purpose of having enough nutritional values to keep your diet healthy.

We took into account the 3 most important moments of the day

Desenvolvemos estes suplementos de refeição, que fornecem as necessidades nutricionais graças ao alto teor de proteína e fibra que os compõe, aliando ingredientes – como os arandos, a physalis, o grão-de-bico de quinoa, as amêndoas e o caju – que lhe conferem sabores únicos.